Workspaces Reimagined

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The way we work has fundamentally changed

Increasingly, organizations value hybrid connectivity, security, office space sustainability, and seamless digital collaboration regardless of the distance between workers.  

ePlus and Cisco have reimagined how workspaces can come together to deliver a unified and sustainable new model. Check out how we are reinventing the office experience

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Let's connect.

Learn how ePlus can help Reimagine your Workspaces for better experiences, superior connectivity, improved insights, and achievement of your sustainability goals. 

ePlus expertise and services, combined with award winning Cisco solutions enable organizations to:

  • Connect: seamlessly and securely connect users and devices to the network and deliver personalized digital experiences.  
  • Protect:  achieve security resilience and compromise nothing
  • Collaborate: unleash productivity simply and securely with best-in-class devices and applications
  • Observe: revolutionize the way you observe, secure and optimize applications 
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Use cases:

  • Room Refresh / Retrofit 
  • Workspace Refresh
  • Workspace Restack
  • Workspace Build / Rebuild 

User experience is paramount

In a fast-evolving landscape, organizations are navigating the return to the office for culture, innovation, and data-driven space optimization while fostering work-from-anywhere flexibility. User experience is paramount for increased collaboration and productivity as well as talent attraction and retention.

Our solutions provide invaluable insights into occupancy through your existing network effortlessly. We're your partner in helping to achieve sustainability goals while cutting energy costs . As real estate management becomes data-driven, we can equip you to handle your assets efficiently. In this digital age, ePlus and Cisco helps you harness the power of data for success in the hybrid work era. 

Reinventing the modern workplace

Space refresh: Many organizations are re-evaluating their hybrid work strategies, trying to entice their employees to return to the office to enable better collaboration, embody their corporate culture and improve office space utilization. Many are in the middle of lease contracts and cannot justify a complete space overhaul but do have the ability to optimize the space they have with improved collaboration, room availability/reservation system, and refreshing furniture design. A room refresh can quickly provide a compelling and efficient reason to return to office while enhancing the experience for those working remotely.

Office transformation: Customers considering a reconfiguration of their space often think about becoming more sustainable and cost efficient without sacrificing employee wellbeing. Our integrated technology and design process empowers customers to optimize their space by digitizing floorplans, implementing POE-based lighting, shades, and cameras, leveraging space data to align Real Estate and IT objectives seamlessly. An Office Transformation will effectively integrate and optimize smart building and user experience into a cohesive employee/building experience. To see this in action, check out Cisco’s Atlanta Collaboration Center: Reinventing the office experience.

