Is my network security set up properly?
- Are configurations optimized according to my organization’s specific needs and targeted at my industry’s most common threats?
- Among things that need to be changed, which are the most important to my specific business?
How can I show the organization that we are secure?
- What is the maturity level of our security architecture and processes?
- How does our security posture compare with other organizations in our industry?
- How does our security posture compare with accepted standards and the needs of our business?
- What are the most important next steps in the development of our security architecture?
How can I demonstrate compliance to my auditors?
- What are the specific compliance issues that need to be addressed immediately?
- How can I compile compliance data continually in a format that auditors will accept?
- By helping answer these questions in an automated way, the Fortinet Security Rating Service enables companies to move onto a path of meaningful and measured security transformation that is automated, proactive, predictive, and verified.